Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have come to the conclusion that I might possibly be single for a very long time. And this is not a bad thing (although my family may disagree). However, I realized the reason I will stay very single for a very long time is due to the fact that men today are not up to my standards. So I formulated a list of things that my DREAM man would have to have or do. So here is a short list:

1). He needs to have a job. I refuse to date someone that does not have a job. How are you going to support me if you can't support yourself? Not happening.
2). He has to have a limit of one child by the time I meet him. I am still young and I don't want to be dating a guy and raising his child at the same time. One child I can suck up but more than that is just too much.
3). He has to have a great smile with nice, white teeth. I believe brushing one's teeth is part of personal hygiene. If he can't brush his teeth, he is definitely not kissing me.
4). He has to be taller than me... and a couple inches does not count. I need a guy to be taller than me even  if I wear 6 inch heels.
5). He needs to have taken an English class in the pass 10 years or at least talk like he has. I do not, I repeat, I do not want a guy walking up to me talking about, "Whats up boo?"... I don't want a guy texting me like this "Kall my fone" ...UM NO! 
6). He needs to be respectful to me, my family, and my friends. If he can't respect the people in my life then he can't be in my life.
7). If he has spent time in jail... its not happening.
8). He needs to appreciate the arts. Saying theatre or art is not a real career... big X for you!
9). He needs to appreciate women but not be a man-whore.
10). He needs love his momma.

Well thats it for now.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

update on life. books. music. love.

I just finished off my junior year and it wasn't as great as I would have wanted, but it was still a good year. Um, hello SENIOR year?! I am starting to venture into other forms of theatre and its really exciting. I also got a job at a hair salon (so I can start saving for after graduation). I am hoping to move to NYC in the next few years. Don't worry friends, I am coming. Oh,  recently I also chopped all my hair off. It was so liberating. I think every woman should do it once in their life. I am just hoping a couple months from now I don't regret it. But as of now, I'm happy with it. 

Emily Griffin has made my summer reading complete. I am currently reading " Something Borrowed", a book I've had for six months but just got around to reading it. And it is fabulous. I refuse to see the movie until I am done with the book. (the book is probably better anyway) My next book will be "The Help".

So there is a lot of good summer music of right now. But as a super music fan, I have fallen in love with Beyonce's new song "Best I Never Had". It reminds me of an old 90's song and I LOVE it! This song is the story of my life. Urgh, if you only knew.

Um, my love life is non-existent.  Maybe when I'm 35, I will have the time and energy to dedicate to a relationship. Maybe there will be a few good men out there left for me. I see all my friends and their sloppy relationships and I don't have time for that. I'm trying to do something BIG with my life. So (for now) I am solo. However, that does not mean I will be denying forms of male interaction.  I still love me some men :)

So for now that is all...